Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas to all...

...and thank goodness it's over! Gary let us sleep in until about 7:30, then couldn't stand it any longer. He woke everyone and the madness began. Landon was most excited about his new Kawasaki Brute Force, and Gary a new speaker box for his 4-wheeler. Randy and Ryan (his 'lil brother) are outside installing something on Ryan's truck. Gary and Landon are giving that thousand dollars worth of new toys a rest after the long ride in HoHo's sleigh last night so they can play in two gigantic card board boxes. They've giggled more in the last ten minutes in the boxes than they have in a month!

Friday, December 21, 2007

Carol who?

Last night, a group of moms took a mob of kids Christmas Caroling. We stopped at quite a few houses of church members, family, and friends. I'd guess the average age of our 9 kids was probably 4. Participants included, Gary & Landon Wilson, Adrienne Vickers, Matthew Weeks, Jeb & Jake Spinney, and Bradley, Brennon, and Brooklyn Bockhaus. They had so much fun! After all their hard work, we treated the kids to McDonald's for supper AND let them eat and play on the playground (the real treat for them). The highlight of the evening for me was on the way to McD's when Adrienne asked, "When are we going to see Christmas Carol?" I asked her, "Do you know what a carol is?" She didn't so I explained that it was a song and she had been "Christmas Caroling" all evening long. I'm not sure if it all sank in or not, but I'll be sure to clarify myself a little better next year.

Thanks to all the kids for singing: Jingle Bells, We Wish You a Merry Christmas, and Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer; Thanks to our duet, Adrienne & Matthew, for singing Five Little Fingers; and Thanks to our soloist, Jeb, for singing Oh Christmas Tree. The preschoolers really stepped up to the plate and made the evening special :-)

OOHHHH Christmas Tree...

Gary's second grade classroom didn't have a Christmas tree at the time of their Christmas party, so our extremely talented and creative room mom's (Sandie Salley & Beth Weeks) devised a plan. The kids 'made' a 'live' tree! Great job kids!!!

Famous last words: Mrs. Spinney, "This better not end up on the internet!"...Sorry, with a room full of mom-bloggers, you have no other place to go :-)
I think she especially enjoyed the shining star that left her cross-eyed. She was a great sport!!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Can't you just hear the Chipmunks singing, "Christmas Christmas time is here, time for laughter, time for cheer..."?
It doesn't take much to make them laugh! (Gary's being silly with a monkey on his head at M&P's dinner table.)

Friday, December 14, 2007

Whistling Dixie

Growing up, Randy spent a lot of time with his grandparents and learned lots of valuable life lessons like: fixing things around the house, maintaining a yard/flowerbed, painting, tinkering, working hard until the task is finished, eating healthy stuff, driving fast (haha). The list goes on forever but my favorite of all is whistling. PawPaw is a whistler. When he’s working on a “project” (if he’s not yelling at Randy for dropping 2x4’s on his head) PawPaw is usually whistling. It’s a pleasant interlude to the monotonous sound of work and makes the task seem all the less bothersome. Randy picked up this habit, and treats us to a first-rate tune quite often. Gary began trying to whistle at a very young age. He practiced and practiced and has finally perfected his technique. Nowadays a sweet little tune dances through the house and I can’t tell if it’s Randy or Gary; but, I know one of them is hard at work on something really important.

Monday, December 3, 2007

How's this for hand-me-down?

About 30 years ago, Randy donned this exact hand-made shirt!!! His grandparents kept it safe (all these years) and surprised us when we picked him up at their house a couple of weeks ago.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Mikey will eat it!

Randy and I had a break from the kids Friday night. They stayed with MawMaw & PawPaw. So we did what any young married couple would do...we got up at 7a.m. Sat. morning and went grocery shopping. It was another one of those mega trips we occasionally take. Gary and I took Gammy to Songs of the Season at 2 p.m. then he escorted me to Brittnee and Bubba Woodard's wedding at 6:30, so I didn't have time to put the kitchen full of groceries away until late last night. Landon, who is known to grab ANYTHING out of the pantry or fridge and ask to eat it, was fascinated over his new bounty so easily accessible in the kitchen floor. He pulled a can of Comet out of one bag and asked, "Daddy, I eat dis?" Randy told him, "No, that's not Pringles, it's powder for cleaning the toilet," to which Landon affectionately confirmed, "I eat powder!" Thankfully, Randy conned him out of the Comet with a bag of Funyuns. That kid never has a problem making a "happy plate" and often helps his friends (and big brother) out too!

**Congrats Brittnee & Bubba!!!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Merry Christmas

We made a quick trip to the North Pole after Thanksgiving.
Click Here to see a recap of our visit. (give it a sec. to load)

Thursday, November 22, 2007

With a tummy full of ham and cranberry sauce, Landon couldn't resist a cat nap in his lazy boy by the tree...Hope you're T-Day was full of Thanks, Turkey, and Catnaps.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Trean Up

Clean-up, clean-up Everybody get some toys.
Clean-up, clean-up All the little girls and boys.
Clean-up, clean-up Everybody do your share.
Clean-up, clean-up Everybody, everywhere.

If you have a toddler, babysat a toddler, or know a toddler that has been in daycare, you probably know this little ditty. The other night, Landon decided to pick up his toys from my bedroom and sang..."Trean up Trean up...bo-dy trean up" It's so nice to know he's learning something at that daycare because anyone who knows us knows he's NOT going to learn to 'trean up' at home :-( But I DO love to sing with him!!!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Pretty Boy

Landon did a great job modeling fru-fru clothes for Angel Babies Children's Boutique at Les Boutique de Noel this weekend. He was the prettiest little boy there... His daddy really loved all those smocked rompers (hehehehe)

Monday, November 19, 2007

Jingle Bells Jingle Bells
Jingle all the way
Five weekends till Christmas comes
Santa's on his way...Hey

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Reader Poll

Since my blog is suffering from a severe case of NO COMMENTS, today's perils gave me a perfect poll question to hopefully generate some feedback that I genuinely need...

Is there such a thing as being too nice?

This morning, Gary revealed to me that the Accelerated Reader books (he's required to read and test on at least 5 per week) that I spend HOURS searching for in the library, don't always get read...by him. Apparently, he lets his friends read them, then if he has time to read and test on them before it's time for me to return them to the library, he'll do so. Hel-lo? Also, he ended up at school without a belt somehow. Three times and he has to spend a day in GASP. He's already on the list two times, so this should be his last chance. No problem, though, I keep TWO extra belts in his backpack just for this reason. Guess what, he's loaned those out to friends so he was left at Randy's mercy. I hated to call and wake him, but I had no other choice. I am proud to have "the nice kid" but how nice is too nice and how do I teach HIM the difference?

Monday, November 12, 2007

Lessons I learned last night...

With Christmas upon us, here's a few facts I'd like to share about snow globes.

1. That "water" inside, isn't really water. It stinks-like chemicals!
2. The glass they are made of isn't tempered, it splinters into 10,000 pieces.
3. The glitter inside, once let loose, takes flight and can travel for miles!
4. Delicate things, like snow globes, have no business in a home with males inhabitants.
5. Even though it's shaped like a ball, it won't bounce off the night stand and bed rail like a regular ball. It breaks, which is how we learned lessons #1-4.
6. If you're on blood thinner and your youngest son plays basketball with your oldest son's snow globe, don't step on the trash bag that your wife is using to clean up the mess. You'll bleed forever!

**Six more Saturdays till Christmas!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Randy's Great-Grandmother, Hattie McLemore, is 106 TODAY....

Monday, November 5, 2007

We have a baby in the house again...

..sort of. Landon has croup caused by a viral infection and is on breathing treatments every three hours round the clock. We had both forgotten how it was to wake regularly during the night. Thankfully, it will only last through the end of this week and we can get back to snoozing. I'm holding Halloween the culprit, he started "barking" Thursday morning.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

5:41 AM

That's the time the computer read when I opened it to check the news/weather during breakfast this morning. I hurried through eating since I only had 45 mintues to finish getting ready for the 8 a.m. service, so I thought! In light of my booboo, don't forget to set your clocks back this morning or else you might show up for church an hour early like I almost did! If you're reading this blog early Sunday morning b/c you too were caught off guard by the extra hour, go ahead and get ready and join us at 1st Baptist Haughton. Today is Friend Day AND Open House AND Building Dediciation Ceremony. As a church, we've worked several years to make this day happen and would love to have you join us! Services are at 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. with Sunday School at 9:30 a.m.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Phase One...nearly complete

Mr. Lord finished cutting the timber out of our yard this week. We don't have an exact count yet, but he took more than 60 pine trees plus lots of underbrush and saplings. We still have a ton of work to do before actually having grass, but we're a lot closer than we were three months ago when this project began. This 1st pic is of our house (yes it's back there) from the street before anything was cut. The boonies

Randy and the boys riding the 4-wheeler through a maze of tree-tops before their first burning. (yep, this is our yard too...)

They LOVED watching that blaze! Landon hid behind a distant tree.
Phase two will be clearing more underbrush and grinding ALL those stumps.

Can I play too?

Landon can't wait to be a Buc. He loves to play in Bear's helmet and share his "tote" (Coke) after the game.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Out with the old, in with the new

Now, I've enjoyed every minute of the past two months we've been celebrating Halloween at our house, but I'M READY FOR CHRISTMAS!!!!!! Time's a wasting, only 8 more Saturday's until Christmas Day. I made my first gift order yesterday and picked up my Photo Christmas Cards today. With that said, Happy Halloween and Happy Trick-or-Treating tonight...

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Three cheers for Johnny's!!!

We've been swept into this little 'tradition' of going to Johnny's Pizza every Sunday night after church with some other siblings in Christ from the church. We occupy the party room and the kids run wild between pizza bites! Mine LOVE this special fellowship time. Landon now thinks that every time we leave church, we're supposed to go to "Donyee's" Wednesday evenings and Sunday mornings leave him gravely disappointed. He got so excited this past Sun. night when we pulled in the parking lot that he squealed, clapped his hands, and cheered, "Yeah Donyee's!!!!" over and over. We should all get that excited about the little things in life.

If you haven't broken bread with us yet, consider this you're formal invitation:
Johnny's Pizza
Sunday after the p.m. service
Be there or be square!
(call your order in from 1st BC parking lot so it will be ready when you arrive)

See you next Sunday Night!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Happy Anniversary Haughton High School

Haughton High School is 100 years old this year! Gary & Landon are set to be third generation HHS Graduates. This is Homecoming week and today is the Homecoming Parade. If you're interested in watching, it starts at 5 at the high school and runs to Hwy 157 then crosses the tracks and goes back to the school. The route runs parallel to the railroad tracks. Randy is driving Gary's football team's float so look for us. As I understand it, there are no "throws" allowed but we'll blow you a kiss or something :)

**update:** It seems that at the last minute, the rulers of the land decided that it was okay if we throw candy from the floats. So, I and a few other mom's hit the stores during our lunch hours for Halloween candy. If you come with a sweet tooth tonight, prepare to be satisfied!

Friday, October 19, 2007


What do you get when you cross Landon in his new John Deere cowboy boots and Landon in an Indian costume? (besides the biggest Cowboy/Indian fight this side of the Rio Grand)

The kids dressed up for the fall carnival at his school today. They were allowed to wear "something you would find on a farm" or "fairy tale character" costumes. The Indian thing was my idea but he wouldn't part with those new boots that daddy bought him yesterday.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Oh My!

I just talked to Randy. He cut Landon's hair! If you've seen Landon's hair, it's long and straight and beautiful. Not short like Gary's that just requires a buzzer! He bragged, "I asked him if he wanted me to cut his hair and he said, 'yea', so I did. It took about an hour. I started him out standing on his stool, then he sat on the stool, then he laid on the floor and played with a toy. It doesn't look too bad! I even got his front straight but I'm not sure how since I did it upside down." Yea, my heart is racing by now. He went on, "When I finished he said, 'Ta-chu (thank you), Daddy.' I think I did better than the barber shop did last time!" If you see him, please overlook his new "do".

50 Dash Rash

This one of those kid translations that are so cute it will probably stick with our family for a long time. Gary joined the running club at school. Every time he tells me about the 50 yard dash, he gets so excited and confused that it comes out, "50 Dash Rash". We both laugh hysterically then go in with the "rash" story.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Team Barker: Mudstock 2007

What happens at Mudstock, stays at Mudstock!

Mr. Dennis helps out a couple of light weights..
Yea, that's me, only, I'm NOT the one that drove us into that mess!

Randy and Landon, kickin' it up.

The Pack

Yea, girls do it too!

Who couldn't love this tar baby?

Trace, Haley, & Gary

made their own swimmin' hole

Ryan riding a water wheelie...this one didn't have a happy ending

Beautiful creek bed before we hit it

Trace, Gary, & Landon

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

This morning, I asked Gary if he and Randy were leaving for Mudstock today or tomorrow. It seems like they change their minds every day. Gary thought a minute and said, "We're leaving today because Daddy shaved yesterday." Considering Randy shaves EVERY day, I was completely confused and my expression told Gary that. He explained, "Daddy shaves his arms the day before we leave because the mud sticks to his hair and it hurts him when I pull it off. I think I'm going to shave my arms too." Hold on there slick!!!! I nixed that fantastic idea but heard him asking Randy later this morning....I think he talked him out of it.

Brotherly Love

This is at a nice little park near our house. Landon is big enough that he's a pretty good playmate for Gary. This particular day, we were at Garrett Felicetty's 6th B-Day party, but Gary was good to include Landon as well.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Love Struck

Gary has several "special" female friends. One in particular takes the cake though. A little bird told me that they would "make eyes" in class regularly last year. He was lucky enough to be in Maddie's class again this year. This week, he declared that he would like his peanut butter sandwiches made on wheat bread and cut out in seasonal shapes (pumpkins for Halloween, etc.) with no crust on them. Hey, if he'll eat something semi-healthy, I'd stand on my head to serve him! I made his sandwiches yesterday and sent them in his lunch box. They were small (apparently Maddie said I didn't get the right cutters) and I threw away more than I sent, but he LOVED THEM! I picked him up from school and he asked for three more wheat bread peanut butter sandwiches and ate them all! I'm thinking about sending a note to Maddie's mom to find out just what else she'll eat! If you run across any sandwich sized cookie cutters, please let me know where you found them. Today, and every Tuesday, he (and Maddie) left the lunchboxes at home. It's popcorn chicken day at Platt. Tomorrow, he'll have witch/pumpkin/bat/owl shaped peanut butter sandwiches again.

How 'bout them Bucs?

If you've noticed the Bucs scores on the right side of my page, you're probably thinking, "I'm missing some great games. Those kids are GOOD this year!" Gary only has a few games left. Call me if you want a schedule. Also, the HHS Homecoming Parade is Oct. 25 at 5 p.m. His team will participate in that as well.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Happy Birthday Ryan!!!!!

Last night, Landon asked TWICE, "I teetee potty?" and did it with success! Of course, there was a lenghthy farewell to every little drip and nugget...."Bye Bye Tee Tee....Bye Bye Poo Poo...." along with a wave and a flush. He is a sweetie like that, you know! We're not pushing big boy underwear just yet, but we can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. Did I mention we were at Randy's brother's 21st birthday party? I can't think of a better present than knowing that your nephew asked to potty for the first time on your birthday, twice! hehehe

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Career Adventures

I should really make this an ongoing list because he never changes his mind, but merely adds to his professions.... As of this morning, Gary's, "going to be a children's book illustrator and in a rock band and a professional football player and own (but not play on) two baseball teams, one called 'The Rednecks' and one called 'Bad to the Bone,' when I grow up!" That should keep him pretty busy! Hopefully he'll remember us little people who gave him his start :-) Any ideas from your kiddos? OR YOU? I want to be an elementary school librarian when I grow up....

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Left without even a penny

Landon had his X-Ray done today for the penny we never did locate in his diaper. The good news is, we missed it upon exit! The doctor didn't see anything in his tummy except his breakfast :) The bad news is, he has come to that age where he associates the doctor's office as a "not fun" place. Today, my mom bore the burden of the screaming child on the exam table. Thanks, Mom, for taking him!

Monday, October 1, 2007

1st Baptist Haughton

The countdown is on! We move into our New Sanctuary this coming Sunday (10/07/07)! Please consider this your formal invitation to visit and worship with us if you're not already a member. If you are already a member, Be there or Be Square!

**Choir Friends** Don't forget practice this Saturday the 6th in the new Sanctuary 3-5 p.m.**

Thursday, September 27, 2007


Yesterday morning, Gary left his "mark" on my rental car. I can't say I blame him. It doesn't bear any of the traditional "Gary trademarks" (scratches from bicycles, french fries in the seat cracks, toys on the floor, etc.) Before we left for school, he placed his football helmet in the back window, perfectly positioned for all to see and admire the HUGE glowing red "H" on the side. His mouth piece was stretched out just so, to insure that anyone behind us would know that this car was occupied by a proud Haughton Buccaneer Football Team Member! Figuratively speaking, He Peed On My Car!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Buried Treasure

Never has a coin been more valuable to Randy or Me as the one we are searching for right now. Wednesday night, Landon swallowed a penny! Randy managed to get the quarter that he was chomping on out of his mouth, but the penny was just out of finger's reach. Little choke...little infant Heimlich maneuver... little cough....lots of tears and it was gone...disappeared into the bottomless pit we assume is Landon's stomach. Doc. said wait four days and if we haven't found it yet, come in for an ex ray to see where it's lodged. I've never been the scavenger hunt type, but this treasure is pretty heavily sought after!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


This weekend, we inducted Landon into the rocking horse riders Hall of Fame! Mom bought him one for his birthday last month, but until now the only thing he said about it was, "Noahnonit!" (I'll let you decode using my handy dandy secret translation column to the right "Learn the Language"). Something finally changed his mind last Friday night. He asked, "Mommy, I why, pee?" He mounted up and rode off into the sunset with Tonto! I'd love to share a pic from his inaugural ride, but I lost the cord to download files from my camera to the 'puter!" When it turns up (or I buy a new one) I promise to post :)

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Time stops for no one

Where does the time go? I haven't posted in at least a week! I'm getting lost between homework and extra curricular activities. I've also volunteered for several things and seem to have more projects than I do hours in the day. We're still cutting trees in the yard. Mr. Lord took a three week break (much to the neighbor's satisfaction) but started again this weekend burning and cutting. He's up to at least 50 trees now and is starting on the backyard today, barring any flooding hurricanes! Yesterday, he cut three monster trees close to the house. It's amazing how different the yard looks, much like someone turned the light on in a dark closet! I've neglected to share my progression pictures so far, but will put together a nice timeline piece when he's finished...
More importantly, please say a special prayer for my dear friend, Karen and her family. They lost her brother, Kevin, this weekend much too early. They know he's with the Lord and that will bring them comfort in time, but right now, they need to be showered with prayer during their time of grief.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The remodel continues...

None of us are more excited than Gary, that Randy reconnected the "door dell" last night. Armed with a brown marker, paper towel, roll of masking tape, and my kitchen scissors, he crafted this little sign in hopes of many visitors. To really score the cool-dad points, Randy set the ring tone to Dixie. We pay hommage to the Duke Boys every time the doorbell rings.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Happy Birthday "NanNan" (Landon)

Landon's birthday was a blast last Friday evening. Thank you to everyone who was able to attend :) He was too tired to open gifts when we got home, so we extended his party until Sat. morning. Gary and I couldn't wait to see what he got, so we sped the process along a bit :) He/we loved everything!!!!! Thank you all again. When I get a few minutes between work, homework (Gary's and mine!), football, piano, and general mothering, I'll post some pics.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Are You Ready For Some Footbaaaalll?

It's that time of year again. Gary started practice with the Pee Wee Haughton Buccaneers last week. He's so pumped, it's all we hear about! For the next two months, we'll eat, breathe, sleep, and live football.

Go Bucs!!
Hut Hut!!

Baby Buc!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Missing Baby

Do yall remember that sweet baby that I birthed two years ago this coming Friday? Well, he's been kidnapped and replaced by a nasty adolescent boy that backed up to my leg and let a big one rip then pulled down the front of his diaper to pee on his dresser. He topped those tricks with giggles galore! Maybe it was the bike wreck he experienced this weekend that shook him up a bit too much (he went end over end on his trike, but cried more about the bike going in the ditch than his actual wreck). If you happen to run across BABY Landon, please send him our way. I'm not ready for the big kid version yet!!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Health Alert!

If you don't know about Randy's most life-altering illness, let me enlighten you... It's called "Havetocleanthecaritis". It flares up at least weekly and often at the most inopportune times. On several occasions, it's been near fatal. (Like when we should be on the road for a trip and he hasn't packed yet).

I'm afraid it may be genetic....

Landon hijacked the Nemo Sprinkler from a birthday party to wash his trucks!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Our newest addition to our "favorites" list

Geaux Baby

Landon is competing with a couple hundred other babies from around the Ark-La-Tex for a spot in the 2008 Geaux Baby Calendar. Please show your support by way of a few of votes for the little guy. Click here to follow a link to print an original ballot. Or you can click here to vote online and view his photo. (there's a tiny "vote" line just below his photo) Online voting costs a minimum of $5. Votes are 25 cents a piece, so your online $5 donation gives him 20 votes. If you choose to mail in the original ballot, you can mail up to one per day or drop one per day off at The Times office downtown. Of course, if you would like to donate $10,000, that would give him 40,000 votes and probably secure him a spot in the top 12!!!! Landon's I.D. number (for the mail in/drop off entries) is 316614. Happy voting!!!

*All donations benefit Christus Schumpert Sutton Children's Medical Center and The Times Newspapers in Education Program

**Edit!! We have some STIFF competition! It seems that Mr. Aidan Woollen is one of our competitors. Good luck to Aidan, as well!! He's a cutie patootie!!

Friday, August 10, 2007

Summer Nights

Yesterday evening, Gary had fun swimming with Colton and Bailey across the street :)

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Little Big Blessings

Today, I received two little blessings that were very big, to me. I didn't even realize our internet failure at work was a blessing until I dove into Nehemiah (the 16th book of the old testament). Gevan outlined it last night and I made it about 1/2 way through today before our 'net was restored. Work called, but I became so interested, I'm getting ready to read the other half before I leave the office today. Blessing #2 - the cd changer in my car spit out my new choir cd. Last night, I tried to listen to a new cd of fall choir music. It skipped too bad to comprehend the words, so I tried to eject it. It got hung up just far enough out that I could see it, but couldn't reach it with tweezers to pull it out. That jammed the whole thing and Randy said I may lose all six of my cd's if someone had to tear into it and replace the radio. I decided to "let it ride" and today at lunch, I got in the car and there it was, ejected completely out. My car had been off and locked so the only one with access was The Man Upstairs! The other 5 cd's are unharmed and I enjoyed listening to "Praise Anthems" just a little more than usual on the ride back to work. Now, I've gotta go so I can finish my book!! Don't overlook the little blessings and don't assume that a burden (like no internet connection) is a curse. It's probably a blessing in disguise. Take the time to find your blessings that God sends your way every day!!!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007


That's my HUGYSIC sigh of relief. School finally started today. We've ALL been looking forward to the first day. Our main goal this year is to PREPARE, the night before, for the morning madness that seems to loom over our house. Today was a success! Yippee!! Gary has "...the nicest teacher on the planet" this year. Good luck to Mrs. Spinney. 2/3 of her class are boys!! Gary's pretty pumped about that...we'll be praying for her AND the little girls in there :)
I can't forget props for Randy. He's as excited as Gary and Me about school. He waked, fed, bathed, dressed, and carted both kids to daycare all summer long. He's ready for the ease of one child! And deserves a break! You did great, honey!!

Monday, August 6, 2007

No Shirt, No Shoes, NO PROBLEM!

The first two days, Landon HATED the sand and surf. He quickly made friends with two ladies and their outrageously expensive rented beach chairs! He told me, "No Beet, Mommy! No Beet!!' (No Beach)
Gary and I awoke early and headed for the water by 8 a.m. each morning.

Randy and Gary worked hard and fast to erect a castle before King Kong tore it down!

The Beach Boys

Randy and Gary Deep Sea Divin' (about 4' under)

Maw brought the boys a much needed cool drink.

One last handful of sand on our way back home.

Landon finally came around and loved the water. He told the surf, " 'mon waroo" (Come on water)

We had a FANTASTIC time at the beach this past extended weekend and can't wait for next year!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

The count down's on!

One more week until school starts. Gary's so excited about his "supplies" and new backpack, he wears it every day. I mistakingly let him pick his own backpack and didn't check it out before we bought it. Monday night after Randy, Landon, and I had gone to bed, he came into our bedroom, flipped the light on, and sauntered around with his backpack on and ALL of his supplies in it. The pack has some sort of upzippable extensions on it and he was able to fit everything (including the three rolls of paper towels, three jumbo boxes of Kleenex, and Ziploc bags) inside! It's nearly as big and heavy as he is!!!!! I think he could even sneak Landon to school in there! I'll be monitoring the contents of that thing pretty close. Happy school supply shopping if you haven't already been. To be on the safe side, print your list and take it with you. We had a booger of a time finding one at Wal-Mart (surprise surprise!).

Friday, July 27, 2007

The Piano Man

Yesterday evening, I quizzed Gary about his "performance". He wasn't very forthcoming with the play by play that I was hoping for. I asked, "Was it fun?" "Yea." "Were you nervous? "No." "Can you tell me anything exciting about it, Gary?" This, I wasn't expecting, but it doesn't surprise me! His eyes lit up and he bragged, "Yea, Mrs. Debbie (the piano teacher) picked me up from daycare and she drives a purple Dodge like Mr. Steve's (Debbie's husband) blue Dodge truck but it's not a truck. It has a backseat and it's an SUV. I didn't have to sit in a car seat and she even let me sit in the front and made the girl that is one year older than me sit in the back and Mrs. Debbie drives fast and it was fun!"

Before we went to bed last night, he did confide in me that he really likes playing the piano and that he's glad he's taking lessons. He also asked me to buy a keyboard and xylophone to go along with the piano and drum set that we already have, so we (Randy, Landon, Gary and I) can be a band! Ha!!! I'll let you know when we plan the CD release party!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

I can't think of a title worthy of the hilarity of this story!

Gary and several of his fellow piano students played for the senior adults at church this morning during their monthly meeting. They did great and all went well. Bro. Scotty (our music minister) looked out for Gary at lunch. Below is the response I got after I emailed him a small thank you.

"I went through the dinner line with him holding his plate and me going to load it up. As we passed each dish, I would ask “do you like ______” , and he would reply with “no" or shake his head from left to right. Finally, as we approached the butter… he said “YES”. As we walked toward the tables (my plate loaded up) with his plate in hand with a fork and one small tub of butter, I asked him if he would like a roll to eat. He nodded up and down. Gary wound up eating one small portion of butter and FOUR ROLLS, and drank about a thimble full of sweet tea. Yes, he is a picky eater. However I enjoyed him. He was a pleasure to sit with.
May God use this little boy for HIS honor…

Thanks for sharing him with the senior adults, they really enjoyed him.

Sincerely, Scotty"

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

You might be a redneck if.....

...you mount your new tires and wheels at home then cart your whole family to Wish Wash Carwash to admire the bling under bright lights at 9 o'clock at night!!! They are pretty, dear ;-)

Monday, July 23, 2007

What do they "do"?

Landon crosses his feet at the ankle when he sits. His little feet are so cute!

Gary has an uncanny knack for balancing things. We find forks balanced perfectly on the rim of a bowl or a pencil balanced on the cap of a tube of tooth paste leaning upright against a basket or a shoe balanced on the top of an open cabinet door. He never brags, but leaves his "creations" for us to find, sometimes days later.

Landon insists that EVERYONE wear "tsoos" (shoes) and that all doors in the house be closed before they leave for daycare.

When I kiss Gary goodbye in the mornings, he always calls me back to his bedside for another hug.

These are the kinds of treasures I look forward to every day: the things that only a closest relative would notice and appreciate.

What do your kiddos "do"?

Friday, July 20, 2007


If you're keeping up with little Ethan Powell, check out his dad, Ben's, post today...

"Find a desk to stand on, high five someone, or how about hitting a knee and give GOD some serious props! The tests are back.
If you still don't believe, then I advise you to do some serious soul searching. For the past 160 days you have experienced a miracle. There is a long road still ahead, but it just started on the best possible foot. For now, there is no presence of LEUKEMIA CELLS, just my cells. Now we have to pray for it to stay away while my cells tap dance through his body. PLEASE CONTINUE TO PRAY WITH US. Today is THE BIGGEST DAY to this story to date. If you have been 'straddling the fence' and not sure if God is real, let me tell you HE IS REAL and VERY ACTIVE in our day to day lives! Yes... even in the biggest backslider and he is waiting for your decision... 'Do you BELIEVE?'

For 160 days, we have been screaming PRAYER WORKS! It does work, but the true message today is one so much greater.... BELIEVE! Because without that PRAYER is restricted. So I will say it again... BELIEVE. PRAYER WORKS!!!"

If you need a "catch-up" follow the link in the right hand margin to Ethan Powell.
Happy Birthday Mrs. Lowery!!!!
(Gary's 1st grade teacher)

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Back it up!

If you're reading this post, you're at least semi-computer literate and there's a good chance you have precious photos stored on your computer. If you keep up with Lora's blog, you may have already read that her house was broken into this week while she's in Italy. Of most important things, they took her computer. In all of her artsy-ness, she's also a photographer with photos stored, guess where? Her computer! I HATE that someone had the audacity to intrude upon her space and take her things. But, it opened my eyes! I do worry about lightning striking my 'puter or the kids spilling drinks on it, but in the grand scheme, my photos could probably be recovered from some accident like that. If my hard drive were GONE, though, so would be any chance of recovering my precious memories. So here's your techie tidbit: back up your hard drive and keep it in a safe place! You never know where or when the next bandit may strike! Also, please pray that they find Lora's 'puter before her hard drive is destroyed.

Monday, July 16, 2007


In protest to Randy's recent comment to me "I don't know why you do that blog. No one reads it. You never have any comments!" please leave a comment to this post to prove him wrong. Girls, it's time to unite!!!! If you're a lurker that has not attempted to leave a comment before, it's easy. Click the "comments" link immediately below this post. Type your one-liner in the box along with your name. Select "anonymous" and click "publish comment". Once you do it the first time, you'll wish you'd been commenting for the past three months! Call me if you need further instructions and I'll guide you through the process. I NEED your support so Randy will quit griping when I'm posting piano videos at 10:30 on a Friday night!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Under the Tuscan Sun

I have to give a plug for my new favorite author. You all know I love to read children's books, to children, but I'd like to share my first cousin, Lora's, blog with you. She's the most amazingly artistic twenty-something elementary art teacher you'll ever alight upon! Too bad she's a native Arkansan; we'd love to have her down in the boot! As far as I know, she hasn't published any books, but through her blog she's taken me on holiday all over the world. This morning, I was catching up on her month-long jaunt to Italy. Yea, that's right, she's there for an entire month taking an art class. I'm usually the one that looks at the pictures and comments sections first, then reads the commentary if my attention is stirred. Allora, this morning, over a bowl of cheerios, I forgot to look at the pics and skipped right to her next entry! I was in Italy and couldn't wait to accompany her on her next adventure!!!! No photo or movie can take you there like her words! So if you have ever traveled to Italy, or ever wondered about Italy, or even just need a five minute get-away from your world, please visit her blog. If you care to leave her a comment here (I don't think xanga accepts anonymous comments) I'll gladly pass them along to her. Have a nice trip!

Friday, July 13, 2007

Concerto Numero Uno

This was my concert preview on Gary's last night of music camp with Mrs. Debbie. Some highlights included: music theory computer games, playing the piano, the keyboard, and the xylophone, musical note Twister (Gary's favorite), and LOTS of other creative activities. Gary said, "Mom, you play all those games and it's so much fun you don't even realize you're learning music! I LOVE Mrs. Debbie! She's the 'funnest' teacher and the best piano player on the planet!!!" Thank you, Mrs. Debbie, for building his musical foundation on the rock!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Evolution of a Picky Eater

It's no secret that Gary is an extremely picky eater. And, it's no secret that he got that from me. It's also probably no real surprise, if you've shared meal-time with us, that I probably fuel his terrible eating habits...a little. Last night, even I was shocked! Before going to church, I offered him and Landon left over Johnnie's pizza. Landon was much obliged to eat, as usual. Gary picked out the most perfect piece of the remaining three and said he'd rather have it cold. That I can understand. (It doesn't get much better than cold pizza!) I took it from the box, placed it on his plate and asked him to take it to the table. He took one look and said, "I'm not eating it!" put the plate on the stove and looked at me. I asked, "Why?" to which he just pointed to the slice; the perfect slice of cold deep-dish Johnnie's Cheese Pizza that he had just chosen six seconds ago! "What's wrong with it?" I was quickly losing patience!! In a calm but serious voice he replied, "The cheese is cracked." I could not believe what my ears had just heard. Apparently, when I pulled the slice from the others, the cheese separated right across the middle and exposed a hint of pizza sauce. It was no longer edible! Landon had his pizza with a smile.

Gary went to church without supper and finally decided on a hot dog about 9:00 pm. I microwaved his all-beef dog, nestled it in a bun (bun must not have torn edges) and called him to the table....three times. Landon finally came from the playroom, where they had all been watching, "The Fast and the Furious 3: Tokyo Drift...Extra Scenes, Drifting School." Gary's perfect hot dog was getting cold (which is also a no-no) so I offered it to Landon. Just as he was munching the first bite, Gary rounded the corner, saw the bite gone from HIS hot dog and had a complete melt down. Landon just smiled and took another bite. We did fix Gary another one and he finally pulled himself together enough to eat. I thought this "picky" thing was supposed to get better with age, but he's progressing backwards! Would that make it digressing? Anyway, any tips to encourage him to eat would be greatly appreciated!!

By the way, letting him go hungry is not an option. He'll skip an entire day's worth of food if there isn't anything he likes.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Kids Say the Darndest...

We had lunch at Cantina Lorado at the Shops at Belmead Center today. It's not exactly a "family" environment, but for lunch we thought 'what the heck'. They seated us in a corner hidden behind the bar (which was fine). If you haven't been there, YOU MUST! It's classified "Gourmet Mexican" and has, by far, the best salsa I have EVER had! We ate as quickly as possible to get the kids in and out. Upon leaving and just as we reached the hostess station near the front door, Landon saluted the remaining patrons with a Presidential wave and yelled in his most audacious 'almost two year old' voice, "Bye Eat!" I'm assuming they were all amused, but we didn't hang around for a reply.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Back in the Saddle

Happy Fourth! We participated in a family vote this morning. I wanted to clean the house; obviously, I was out voted! We spent the day riding four wheelers in Mansfield at Toledo Bend Reservoir. The last time I actually got to ride, I was two months pregnant with our youngest toot. He's 20 months now and definitely old enough to enjoy a little holiday joy riding. It POURED rain on us most of the trip, but we (me included) had a BLAST!!! I was shocked at how much I have missed riding. Here's a rundown of our group today... (Couldn't get many action shots...too much rain! And of course there aren't any of me; the only downfall of being the "photographer" in the family.)

Is it time to go yet? Is it time? When are we leaving? Is it time?
Plenty of rain keeps the dust down and makes good mudholes.
Landon: "Hats off to my first hard ride!!!" (He actually rode with me, but loves to pretend on brother's bike.)
Gary sneaks a quickie ride on the big bike while we stop to regroup.
Matt: Cautious, never gets stuck, the only one who didn't break something today, probably cleaned his bike before he went home. (I wish I was that way!)
My cousin Danny: The gentle giant, dependable comic relief, and the first one to dive head first into a mudpit to help you get out.
Randy finally quit attempting EVERY mudhole over 3 feet deep. But...Shawn is quickly sinking into that position! Today, his dare devil ways left him riding piggy-back with Matt.