Thursday, October 25, 2007

Happy Anniversary Haughton High School

Haughton High School is 100 years old this year! Gary & Landon are set to be third generation HHS Graduates. This is Homecoming week and today is the Homecoming Parade. If you're interested in watching, it starts at 5 at the high school and runs to Hwy 157 then crosses the tracks and goes back to the school. The route runs parallel to the railroad tracks. Randy is driving Gary's football team's float so look for us. As I understand it, there are no "throws" allowed but we'll blow you a kiss or something :)

**update:** It seems that at the last minute, the rulers of the land decided that it was okay if we throw candy from the floats. So, I and a few other mom's hit the stores during our lunch hours for Halloween candy. If you come with a sweet tooth tonight, prepare to be satisfied!

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