Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Love Struck

Gary has several "special" female friends. One in particular takes the cake though. A little bird told me that they would "make eyes" in class regularly last year. He was lucky enough to be in Maddie's class again this year. This week, he declared that he would like his peanut butter sandwiches made on wheat bread and cut out in seasonal shapes (pumpkins for Halloween, etc.) with no crust on them. Hey, if he'll eat something semi-healthy, I'd stand on my head to serve him! I made his sandwiches yesterday and sent them in his lunch box. They were small (apparently Maddie said I didn't get the right cutters) and I threw away more than I sent, but he LOVED THEM! I picked him up from school and he asked for three more wheat bread peanut butter sandwiches and ate them all! I'm thinking about sending a note to Maddie's mom to find out just what else she'll eat! If you run across any sandwich sized cookie cutters, please let me know where you found them. Today, and every Tuesday, he (and Maddie) left the lunchboxes at home. It's popcorn chicken day at Platt. Tomorrow, he'll have witch/pumpkin/bat/owl shaped peanut butter sandwiches again.

1 comment:

Beth said...

I'd REALLY like to see you stand on your head!!!!