Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I've been "educated"

As if it’s not enough that I actually understand how tires are sized, (325/60 R18), Monday night I got a lesson on how wheels are sized. Apparently it’s not just “20’s” or “22’s”. Its way more complicated than that! My post that noted the “tires and wheels on display in the driveway” must have encouraged Randy to take action because he sold those AND the ones ON HIS TRUCK. Unless he plans to drive around on hubs, he better pick something new pretty soon; hence the previously mentioned "wheel lesson". He even kept Gary out of daycare yesterday so they could shop for the perfect wheels together. I’ve been instructed that next time someone asks me, “What does your husband drive?” (Because you know I get that question all the time!) I am to respond, “An ’06 Big Body with some Twinkies!” You reckon BPCC would give me credit for this?
Expect Randy at our next Lia Sophia party. He has has some work ahead to balance this relationship!

Friday, June 22, 2007

The conversation went like this...

Set up: I couldn't pull into the garage this evening because of a certain obstruction that wasn't there when we left for work this morning. Gary met me in the driveway with that look that says, "I've done something I probably shouldn't have, but I really wanted to do it, so I'm fixing to talk my way out of trouble." (Randy uses the same routine!)
Gary: Hey Mom.
Annie: Hey Baby. What'cha doing?
G: Working on my four wheeler...(long sigh then look down to express frustration)
G: I'm trying to see what's wrong with it. My front left tire is leaking air and I KNOW I DON'T HAVE A HOLE IN IT!
A: How do you KNOW? (with increasing "interest" and "sympathy")
G: Because I ran over a tree and it didn't put a hole in my tire. I ran over the same tree with my right front tire and it's not leaking air, so I know that didn't put a hole in the left one! I got the compressor out so I can air up all my tires.
A: Did you? What else did you do?

This is what he was "up to" while Randy and I were at work and Mom was inside with Landon. Yes, this is the same jack that put a hole in his head (that required an E.R. trip) just a couple of months ago!


Gary and Starla had a blast "dancing" and "playing the guitar" with Landon on the way to piano classes!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Signs you live in a male house....

Cricket bucket in the kitchen, The Fast & The Furious Trilogy in the DVD player EVERY TIME YOU USE IT, tools in the bathroom, just enough room for my car in the garage if I squeeze just right between the bikes, trikes, four wheelers, lawn mower, power tools, and "projects", muddy boots and underwear on the front porch, cars in the bed, spare 4x4 tires and rims on display in the driveway, cars in the freezer (Randy swears they were "hypercolor cars" 20 years ago), fully erected tent in the den, and last but not least three fantastic boys in your bed when you leave for work every morning!

Friday, June 15, 2007

It's finally over, no, it's just beginning

T-Ball officially ended last night with the end of season team party. Gary is as interested as the next kid in "team work", learning the game, blah blah blah. But you mention TROPHY and his eyes light up. The kids swam about 15 minutes before The Perfect Storm stalled poolside. That forced all twelve families into Coach Justin & Ericka's house for the remainder of the party (with the exception of three dads who had to grill 36 hamburgers and 40 hotdogs with an umbrella over the grill to keep the fire lit.) Can anything else weird happen? Oh yea, Gary's 6th tooth fell out while munching a cheetoe!!!!! Here's a snapshot of the bitter sweet occasion. I do express my sympathy to J&E's home. The kids TRASHED IT!!!!! Their only saving grace was that their new wood floors will mop much easier than carpet would have. With this season complete, Summer Baseball (machine-pitch) began last week......

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Happy Birthday Gary....Finally

Gary's birthday was Saturday, but his party was tonight..last it tomorrow yet? I'm not very proficient in the proper late night lingo, as I'm ALWAYS asleep at this hour! But, my cookie cake supper didn't endure the night. I awoke hungry and couldn't resist Tasha's chicken enchiladas in the fridge!!! Anyway, here's a couple shots from our party hardy and thanks again to my party co-hosts! Maw Maw & Paw Paw (Randy's grandparents) did so well, "the skating rink guy" tried to hire them for Saturday Parties! Too bad for him, they only come out of retirement for great-grand children!!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Cardio lesson

Randy gave us all a bit of a cardio workout this weekend. Friday night, his heart went into a state of Atrial Fibrillation. Not knowing what that was, he waited until Saturday to go to the hospital. THANK YOU TASHA for getting/giving us super care and to AMANDA for making him go to the hospital in the first place!!! The cardiologist gave Randy i.v. meds Sat. and through the night, but decided to "shock" (electrical cardioversion) him Sunday morning when he didn't convert back to a normal heartbeat. We're home now and he's just tired, but very close to "good as new". I think these terms are correct. Needless to say, he made all of our hearts beat a little faster until this "thing" subsided. We give all the glory to God for his speedy recovery!!!!! Randy and I will be home tomorrow, give him a call if you want to chat.

Friday, June 8, 2007


Summer baseball registration for BPAR ends tomorrow (June 9) and football registration ends August 4. Also, if you didn't go to Platt yesterday for 2nd & 3rd grade A.R. testing, plan to go next Thursday between noon and 3 p.m. The points they earn this summer will be added to the points they earn during the coming school year! Good luck finding books at the library, it's not an easy task, but a friend suggested: pull up the A.R. list online from Platt's website then go to Bossier Parish Library's website and see if they have the title at your local branch (East 80 or Haughton for most of us)

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Happy Birthday Big Daddy!!!

Good night, sleep tight... (no, this isn't Landon!)

Destined for the car business!!
Randy hasn't changed much, has he?
Gary & Randy at Uncle Ryan's h.s. graduation.

Gilligan and the Skipper (you guess which is which)

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

You know who you are!!!

Okay, all you lurkers that don't comment are really stalkers!!! You know who you are Alexis, Leah, Bev, Leigh Ann, Cindy, Amanda, the list goes on and on.... You have the option in the comments section to leave an ANONYMOUS comment if you don't have a gmail account. I'm waiting to hear from you!!!!

Happy Birthday to ME!!!

Randy, Gary, and I kicked off our "birthday week" Sunday at Beverly's house. For those of you that don't know, My, Randy's, and Gary's birthdays are June 5, 7, & 9. Randy has been on his "A game" for a couple of weeks now and proved he was still in the game this morning with this GORGEOUS jewelry armoire (that I've been asking for for YEARS!). How will I ever compete? Any suggetions will be greatly appreciated. Keep in mind, I only have two days!!!!! Invitations for Gary's party are going out today and tomorrow. It's set for next Tuesday, the 12th at Hot Wheels in Bossier.