Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I've been "educated"

As if it’s not enough that I actually understand how tires are sized, (325/60 R18), Monday night I got a lesson on how wheels are sized. Apparently it’s not just “20’s” or “22’s”. Its way more complicated than that! My post that noted the “tires and wheels on display in the driveway” must have encouraged Randy to take action because he sold those AND the ones ON HIS TRUCK. Unless he plans to drive around on hubs, he better pick something new pretty soon; hence the previously mentioned "wheel lesson". He even kept Gary out of daycare yesterday so they could shop for the perfect wheels together. I’ve been instructed that next time someone asks me, “What does your husband drive?” (Because you know I get that question all the time!) I am to respond, “An ’06 Big Body with some Twinkies!” You reckon BPCC would give me credit for this?
Expect Randy at our next Lia Sophia party. He has has some work ahead to balance this relationship!

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