Thursday, September 13, 2007

Time stops for no one

Where does the time go? I haven't posted in at least a week! I'm getting lost between homework and extra curricular activities. I've also volunteered for several things and seem to have more projects than I do hours in the day. We're still cutting trees in the yard. Mr. Lord took a three week break (much to the neighbor's satisfaction) but started again this weekend burning and cutting. He's up to at least 50 trees now and is starting on the backyard today, barring any flooding hurricanes! Yesterday, he cut three monster trees close to the house. It's amazing how different the yard looks, much like someone turned the light on in a dark closet! I've neglected to share my progression pictures so far, but will put together a nice timeline piece when he's finished...
More importantly, please say a special prayer for my dear friend, Karen and her family. They lost her brother, Kevin, this weekend much too early. They know he's with the Lord and that will bring them comfort in time, but right now, they need to be showered with prayer during their time of grief.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Glad to have you back blogging! I know what you mean about the "extracuricular" activities!!! I seem to just bounce from one thing to another!!!