Friday, December 21, 2007

Carol who?

Last night, a group of moms took a mob of kids Christmas Caroling. We stopped at quite a few houses of church members, family, and friends. I'd guess the average age of our 9 kids was probably 4. Participants included, Gary & Landon Wilson, Adrienne Vickers, Matthew Weeks, Jeb & Jake Spinney, and Bradley, Brennon, and Brooklyn Bockhaus. They had so much fun! After all their hard work, we treated the kids to McDonald's for supper AND let them eat and play on the playground (the real treat for them). The highlight of the evening for me was on the way to McD's when Adrienne asked, "When are we going to see Christmas Carol?" I asked her, "Do you know what a carol is?" She didn't so I explained that it was a song and she had been "Christmas Caroling" all evening long. I'm not sure if it all sank in or not, but I'll be sure to clarify myself a little better next year.

Thanks to all the kids for singing: Jingle Bells, We Wish You a Merry Christmas, and Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer; Thanks to our duet, Adrienne & Matthew, for singing Five Little Fingers; and Thanks to our soloist, Jeb, for singing Oh Christmas Tree. The preschoolers really stepped up to the plate and made the evening special :-)

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