Wednesday, August 8, 2007


That's my HUGYSIC sigh of relief. School finally started today. We've ALL been looking forward to the first day. Our main goal this year is to PREPARE, the night before, for the morning madness that seems to loom over our house. Today was a success! Yippee!! Gary has "...the nicest teacher on the planet" this year. Good luck to Mrs. Spinney. 2/3 of her class are boys!! Gary's pretty pumped about that...we'll be praying for her AND the little girls in there :)
I can't forget props for Randy. He's as excited as Gary and Me about school. He waked, fed, bathed, dressed, and carted both kids to daycare all summer long. He's ready for the ease of one child! And deserves a break! You did great, honey!!

1 comment:

Haley said...

I'm sighing right along with you! Although Tanner's teacher..... Picture Mrs. Claus, now put horns on her and that's his teacher!!