Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Trean Up

Clean-up, clean-up Everybody get some toys.
Clean-up, clean-up All the little girls and boys.
Clean-up, clean-up Everybody do your share.
Clean-up, clean-up Everybody, everywhere.

If you have a toddler, babysat a toddler, or know a toddler that has been in daycare, you probably know this little ditty. The other night, Landon decided to pick up his toys from my bedroom and sang..."Trean up Trean trean up" It's so nice to know he's learning something at that daycare because anyone who knows us knows he's NOT going to learn to 'trean up' at home :-( But I DO love to sing with him!!!


Beth said...

A thought I have been pondering today -- How do you teach your children to clean up, when you don't do a very good job of cleaning up yourself? My poor kids are going to be slobs and I have no one to blame but myself!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks. Now I will be able to sing the song with Landon. He always "treans up" before he leaves my house.
I think it's something their born with. I was never able to teach a child to clean up. Gary wouldn't dream of cleaning up, but Landon just does it.