Monday, November 12, 2007

Lessons I learned last night...

With Christmas upon us, here's a few facts I'd like to share about snow globes.

1. That "water" inside, isn't really water. It stinks-like chemicals!
2. The glass they are made of isn't tempered, it splinters into 10,000 pieces.
3. The glitter inside, once let loose, takes flight and can travel for miles!
4. Delicate things, like snow globes, have no business in a home with males inhabitants.
5. Even though it's shaped like a ball, it won't bounce off the night stand and bed rail like a regular ball. It breaks, which is how we learned lessons #1-4.
6. If you're on blood thinner and your youngest son plays basketball with your oldest son's snow globe, don't step on the trash bag that your wife is using to clean up the mess. You'll bleed forever!

**Six more Saturdays till Christmas!

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