Saturday, July 14, 2007

Under the Tuscan Sun

I have to give a plug for my new favorite author. You all know I love to read children's books, to children, but I'd like to share my first cousin, Lora's, blog with you. She's the most amazingly artistic twenty-something elementary art teacher you'll ever alight upon! Too bad she's a native Arkansan; we'd love to have her down in the boot! As far as I know, she hasn't published any books, but through her blog she's taken me on holiday all over the world. This morning, I was catching up on her month-long jaunt to Italy. Yea, that's right, she's there for an entire month taking an art class. I'm usually the one that looks at the pictures and comments sections first, then reads the commentary if my attention is stirred. Allora, this morning, over a bowl of cheerios, I forgot to look at the pics and skipped right to her next entry! I was in Italy and couldn't wait to accompany her on her next adventure!!!! No photo or movie can take you there like her words! So if you have ever traveled to Italy, or ever wondered about Italy, or even just need a five minute get-away from your world, please visit her blog. If you care to leave her a comment here (I don't think xanga accepts anonymous comments) I'll gladly pass them along to her. Have a nice trip!

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