Monday, July 23, 2007

What do they "do"?

Landon crosses his feet at the ankle when he sits. His little feet are so cute!

Gary has an uncanny knack for balancing things. We find forks balanced perfectly on the rim of a bowl or a pencil balanced on the cap of a tube of tooth paste leaning upright against a basket or a shoe balanced on the top of an open cabinet door. He never brags, but leaves his "creations" for us to find, sometimes days later.

Landon insists that EVERYONE wear "tsoos" (shoes) and that all doors in the house be closed before they leave for daycare.

When I kiss Gary goodbye in the mornings, he always calls me back to his bedside for another hug.

These are the kinds of treasures I look forward to every day: the things that only a closest relative would notice and appreciate.

What do your kiddos "do"?


Haley said...

My kids are REALLY good at driving me absolutely BATTY!!! :)

Amanda said...

At bedtime we have a ritual with Adrienne that she's created...we have "choc-choc", brush teeth, say prayers and then she kisses us 1 peck on each cheek, gives eskimo kisses and then a big "squishee" (hug) and then she and I both say "I love you to the moon and back" many times as fast as we can trying to cover each other's mouth so we can get ahead of each other...the feelings you get over things like this are just more proof that God is real