Friday, July 20, 2007


If you're keeping up with little Ethan Powell, check out his dad, Ben's, post today...

"Find a desk to stand on, high five someone, or how about hitting a knee and give GOD some serious props! The tests are back.
If you still don't believe, then I advise you to do some serious soul searching. For the past 160 days you have experienced a miracle. There is a long road still ahead, but it just started on the best possible foot. For now, there is no presence of LEUKEMIA CELLS, just my cells. Now we have to pray for it to stay away while my cells tap dance through his body. PLEASE CONTINUE TO PRAY WITH US. Today is THE BIGGEST DAY to this story to date. If you have been 'straddling the fence' and not sure if God is real, let me tell you HE IS REAL and VERY ACTIVE in our day to day lives! Yes... even in the biggest backslider and he is waiting for your decision... 'Do you BELIEVE?'

For 160 days, we have been screaming PRAYER WORKS! It does work, but the true message today is one so much greater.... BELIEVE! Because without that PRAYER is restricted. So I will say it again... BELIEVE. PRAYER WORKS!!!"

If you need a "catch-up" follow the link in the right hand margin to Ethan Powell.

1 comment:

Beth said...