Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Back in the Saddle

Happy Fourth! We participated in a family vote this morning. I wanted to clean the house; obviously, I was out voted! We spent the day riding four wheelers in Mansfield at Toledo Bend Reservoir. The last time I actually got to ride, I was two months pregnant with our youngest toot. He's 20 months now and definitely old enough to enjoy a little holiday joy riding. It POURED rain on us most of the trip, but we (me included) had a BLAST!!! I was shocked at how much I have missed riding. Here's a rundown of our group today... (Couldn't get many action shots...too much rain! And of course there aren't any of me; the only downfall of being the "photographer" in the family.)

Is it time to go yet? Is it time? When are we leaving? Is it time?
Plenty of rain keeps the dust down and makes good mudholes.
Landon: "Hats off to my first hard ride!!!" (He actually rode with me, but loves to pretend on brother's bike.)
Gary sneaks a quickie ride on the big bike while we stop to regroup.
Matt: Cautious, never gets stuck, the only one who didn't break something today, probably cleaned his bike before he went home. (I wish I was that way!)
My cousin Danny: The gentle giant, dependable comic relief, and the first one to dive head first into a mudpit to help you get out.
Randy finally quit attempting EVERY mudhole over 3 feet deep. But...Shawn is quickly sinking into that position! Today, his dare devil ways left him riding piggy-back with Matt.


Anonymous said...

Glad to see you guys back in the game. I knew Landon was a natural! Can't wait for you guys'next muddy Christmas card!!!

Tasha said...

Looks like fun!!!! Can some more girls tag along next time?

The Wilsons said...

What a treat "more girls" would be! I'm usually the only one :-( I'll call YOU next time we go!