Thursday, December 24, 2009
Santa's Newest Elf
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
A Star is Born
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Dear Diary,
Monday, Nov. 2 Landon had a bike wreck (no one saw what happened). Went to the E.R. and received 6 stitches under his chin.
Tuesday, Nov. 3 - Back on the bike
Wednesday, Nov. 4 - Landon was caught by my mom, just before riding his bike down the slide!
Thursday, Nov. 5 - Landon's school called about 11:00 a.m. to tell me that he had fallen off the slide and torn his frenulum (the piece of skin that attaches your upper lip to your gum) Again, no one witnessed the accident. He's told us, 1. He was sliding down the slide on his bottom and just fell off the side, 2. He walked into the slide, 3. He was pushing a lawn mower and ran into the slide, 4. He was pushing a lawn mower up the slide. We will probably never know how this one happened!
Friday was quiet
Saturday, Nov. 7 - I removed Landon's stitches and he fell asleep half way through the process
Sunday, Nov. 8 - Landon fell on his face and reinjured his lip
Monday, Nov. 9 - Landon fell on his face, again, and reinjured his lip
Tuesday, nothing note worthy
Wednesday, Nov. 10 - Cathy Turner called from Princeton to tell me that Gary had been bitten during a 4th grade girl!!! Apparently, a group of girls was playing vampire and decided he was a worthy victim...
What's next?!
**Update I just talked to Gary on the phone to get the vampire story. In addition to a bite, he also was cut in the eye by another kid's paper, and fell on his own pencil. Teacher is looking for lead in his hand as I type.
I won't make the mistake of asking, "What's next?" again! hahaha
Monday, August 31, 2009
Gary's Sunday School Lesson from 08-30-09
Monday, August 24, 2009
School Daze
Monday, July 20, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Greenfield Picnic Day 2009
There was a rhino, a horse, and a race car. Landon passed on the first two and waited for a turn on the car. Imagine that!
Running for the next water spout
He became more brave with each jump. This was about #5.
He landed with a thud. Lay motionless. I ran over thinking, "Great, I've let the kid break his back!" (The other moms were trying to keep their kids off the rocks) "Landon, are you okay?"
Friday, May 8, 2009
Field Day 2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Good morning "love"
Me: "Good morning, Sunshine!"
Gary: "I just peed and the bubbles made a heart shape in the toilet!"
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Catch Up
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Are YOU smarter than a 3rd grader?
Congratulations to Platt's six third graders that competed in the Shreveport Symphony's Music Memory Competition at South Highland's Elementary last night. Winning 2nd place was no easy task for them! They studied 10 classical music selections, had to memorize the song and correctly write the Symphony or Piece it came from, the song title, and the composer after listening to a small section of the song, sometimes less than one measure. For the record, I studied with Gary for a month and I could only indentify two last night!!! They received points for correct answers, spelling, and punctuation...example:
Symphony No. 35 in D Major ("Haffner") First Movement
Allegro con spirito
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Washing Post March
John Philip Sousa
Rodeo: Hoedown
Aaron Copland
"Night on Bare Mountain"
Modest Mussorgsky
I probably punctuated those wrong! But you get the gist... The kids were awesome and had a great time. Thanks to Mrs. Watters, their music teacher. She worked hard to keep them interested and teach all those songs; even staying after school to work with the kids. They're lucky to have her! If you see Gary Wilson, Jayson Nitz, Grace Teutsch, Alana Lewis, Chloe Lewis, or Mackenzie Farqhar make sure to high-five them. They definitely deserve it!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Coupon Queen
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Christmas Past

Saturday, January 31, 2009
Sleep Tight
Monday, January 19, 2009
Here...kitty kitty kitty
Speaking of big, we had a big fat stereotypical evening... Randy took Gary and Landon to see the monster trucks Saturday night (I admit that I like Monster Trucks too, but I wasn't invited this time). They had a fantastic time doing boy stuff. It gave me an opportunity to try out my new sewing machine. I made Landon a pair of pajama pants. I'm no seamstress...never even taken a sewing class...but once I figured out how to thread that stupid bobbin, things got to rolling. I had to rip out one of my seams 4 times, but I can guarantee you that I won't try sewing again without: checking the bobbin, attaching the foot, or lowering the foot. Each circumstance makes for a heck of a bird nest!!!! My challenge (challenge b/c Gary said "you can't do that!") now is to complete the shirt that came with the pants pattern..... If it ever gets finished, I'll post a pic.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Update from below...
Friday, January 9, 2009
Substitute Teacher & Mom
Monday, "I taught all the kids how to drive a trash truck today."
Tuesday, "I taught all the kids how to drive a motorcycle today."
Wednesday, "I taught all the kids how to drive a four-wheeler in the mud and not get stuck today."
Thursday, "I taught all the kids how to drive an airplane with holes in it today."
I can't wait to hear what kind of adventures Landon takes the class on today (Friday) and pray that Miss Candy gets to feeling better soon! Maybe he'll teach the kids how to fly that airplane that they drove yesterday :)
He's decided to take the reigns at home as well... Last night I told Gary to go brush his teeth no less that 20 times. He finally crawled up the stairs and yelled back, "I am!" to which Landon immediately screeched, "No you're not! I don't hear the water running!" It always surprises me when I open my mouth to say something, and the words come out someone elses mouth!
Friday, January 2, 2009
Day off...
Picnic with Johnny's Pizza. Gary and Adrienne burned our Christmas boxes in the front yard.