Friday, May 8, 2009

Field Day 2009

Start the morning off with a friendly game of tug-of-WAR

A few of them lost their grip and fell flat on their faces.
Of course Gary didn't miss out on that action! (green hat)

Mom's still cheering them on

50 yard dash
1st (Gregory)
Austin and Gary tied for 2nd

This had to be the most fun event of the day..
Drag Racing - Haughton Style!!!

The parents HAD to get in on this one!
Mrs. Waldron was a good sport. Hard work paid off. Gary's team won this one too :)
"Jump back Jack"
Take a step back each time you catch the ball. Bow out if you drop it. Gary and his partner were among the last "men" standing :)
Finally...a break...

1 comment:

Beth said...

Field Day was soooo much fun this year! I am so glad they put a little competition back into it!!