Friday, July 27, 2007
The Piano Man
Before we went to bed last night, he did confide in me that he really likes playing the piano and that he's glad he's taking lessons. He also asked me to buy a keyboard and xylophone to go along with the piano and drum set that we already have, so we (Randy, Landon, Gary and I) can be a band! Ha!!! I'll let you know when we plan the CD release party!
Thursday, July 26, 2007
I can't think of a title worthy of the hilarity of this story!
"I went through the dinner line with him holding his plate and me going to load it up. As we passed each dish, I would ask “do you like ______” , and he would reply with “no" or shake his head from left to right. Finally, as we approached the butter… he said “YES”. As we walked toward the tables (my plate loaded up) with his plate in hand with a fork and one small tub of butter, I asked him if he would like a roll to eat. He nodded up and down. Gary wound up eating one small portion of butter and FOUR ROLLS, and drank about a thimble full of sweet tea. Yes, he is a picky eater. However I enjoyed him. He was a pleasure to sit with.
May God use this little boy for HIS honor…
Thanks for sharing him with the senior adults, they really enjoyed him.
Sincerely, Scotty"
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
You might be a redneck if.....
Monday, July 23, 2007
What do they "do"?
Gary has an uncanny knack for balancing things. We find forks balanced perfectly on the rim of a bowl or a pencil balanced on the cap of a tube of tooth paste leaning upright against a basket or a shoe balanced on the top of an open cabinet door. He never brags, but leaves his "creations" for us to find, sometimes days later.
Landon insists that EVERYONE wear "tsoos" (shoes) and that all doors in the house be closed before they leave for daycare.
When I kiss Gary goodbye in the mornings, he always calls me back to his bedside for another hug.
These are the kinds of treasures I look forward to every day: the things that only a closest relative would notice and appreciate.
What do your kiddos "do"?
Friday, July 20, 2007
"Find a desk to stand on, high five someone, or how about hitting a knee and give GOD some serious props! The tests are back.
If you still don't believe, then I advise you to do some serious soul searching. For the past 160 days you have experienced a miracle. There is a long road still ahead, but it just started on the best possible foot. For now, there is no presence of LEUKEMIA CELLS, just my cells. Now we have to pray for it to stay away while my cells tap dance through his body. PLEASE CONTINUE TO PRAY WITH US. Today is THE BIGGEST DAY to this story to date. If you have been 'straddling the fence' and not sure if God is real, let me tell you HE IS REAL and VERY ACTIVE in our day to day lives! Yes... even in the biggest backslider and he is waiting for your decision... 'Do you BELIEVE?'
For 160 days, we have been screaming PRAYER WORKS! It does work, but the true message today is one so much greater.... BELIEVE! Because without that PRAYER is restricted. So I will say it again... BELIEVE. PRAYER WORKS!!!"
If you need a "catch-up" follow the link in the right hand margin to Ethan Powell.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Back it up!
Monday, July 16, 2007
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Under the Tuscan Sun
Friday, July 13, 2007
Concerto Numero Uno
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Evolution of a Picky Eater
Gary went to church without supper and finally decided on a hot dog about 9:00 pm. I microwaved his all-beef dog, nestled it in a bun (bun must not have torn edges) and called him to the table....three times. Landon finally came from the playroom, where they had all been watching, "The Fast and the Furious 3: Tokyo Drift...Extra Scenes, Drifting School." Gary's perfect hot dog was getting cold (which is also a no-no) so I offered it to Landon. Just as he was munching the first bite, Gary rounded the corner, saw the bite gone from HIS hot dog and had a complete melt down. Landon just smiled and took another bite. We did fix Gary another one and he finally pulled himself together enough to eat. I thought this "picky" thing was supposed to get better with age, but he's progressing backwards! Would that make it digressing? Anyway, any tips to encourage him to eat would be greatly appreciated!!
By the way, letting him go hungry is not an option. He'll skip an entire day's worth of food if there isn't anything he likes.
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Kids Say the Darndest...
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Back in the Saddle
Is it time to go yet? Is it time? When are we leaving? Is it time?
Plenty of rain keeps the dust down and makes good mudholes.
Landon: "Hats off to my first hard ride!!!" (He actually rode with me, but loves to pretend on brother's bike.)
Gary sneaks a quickie ride on the big bike while we stop to regroup.
Matt: Cautious, never gets stuck, the only one who didn't break something today, probably cleaned his bike before he went home. (I wish I was that way!)
My cousin Danny: The gentle giant, dependable comic relief, and the first one to dive head first into a mudpit to help you get out.
Randy finally quit attempting EVERY mudhole over 3 feet deep. But...Shawn is quickly sinking into that position! Today, his dare devil ways left him riding piggy-back with Matt.