Cricket bucket in the kitchen, The Fast & The Furious Trilogy in the DVD player EVERY TIME YOU USE IT, tools in the bathroom, just enough room for my car in the garage if I squeeze just right between the bikes, trikes, four wheelers, lawn mower, power tools, and "projects", muddy boots and underwear on the front porch, cars in the bed, spare 4x4 tires and rims on display in the driveway, cars in the freezer (Randy swears they were "hypercolor cars" 20 years ago), fully erected tent in the den, and last but not least three fantastic boys in your bed when you leave for work every morning!
Does life get any better??
Here's a thought...We'll NEVER step on a Barbie shoe in the middle of the night!
Love it!!!! Glad to know my household isn't the only one ran that way!!!!
LOVE IT!!! All girls at my house (even the dog). We wouldn't have it any other way but when Jermey needs a dose of boys I'll send him your way!
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