Thursday, May 15, 2008

Midnight Gardener

Randy and I bought this house that seems to have been landscaped beautifully 5+ years ago, but has been 'let go' since. I keep reading "prune and fertilize azaleas in the spring right after they bloom and they'll be beautiful next year" so my plan was just that. Several weeks ago, I gave them all a "trim". It was so liberating once I got started that they ended up with the "first time you cut Barbie's hair when no one was looking" shaved head cut. But, they're supposed to be hearty enough to survive transplanting in full bloom so they ought to make it. I haven't had time to "fertilize and thoroughly water" yet..until now. Last night about 3 a.m. a sonic boom lightning bolt transitioned me from dead sleep to W-I-D-E awake in .00324 seconds! Amazingly, I had the best idea. "It's fixin' to rain. I should fertilize my azaleas NOW!" No way could I sleep after such a grand plan entered the picture, so Boomer (our Noble Protector who's scared of the rain) and I set out on our journey. By 3:30, we had fed every azalea and camellia bush in the front, back, and side yards. We settled back in to bed by about 4 a.m. with dreams of our own little Norton's Art Gallery right here in Haughton. I'll let you know if any brides stop to take photographs next year :-)


Amanda said...

You are such a dufus...that's why we're such great friends!

Beth said...

You two do make a perfect pair!!