Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Out with the old, in with the new

Now, I've enjoyed every minute of the past two months we've been celebrating Halloween at our house, but I'M READY FOR CHRISTMAS!!!!!! Time's a wasting, only 8 more Saturday's until Christmas Day. I made my first gift order yesterday and picked up my Photo Christmas Cards today. With that said, Happy Halloween and Happy Trick-or-Treating tonight...

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Three cheers for Johnny's!!!

We've been swept into this little 'tradition' of going to Johnny's Pizza every Sunday night after church with some other siblings in Christ from the church. We occupy the party room and the kids run wild between pizza bites! Mine LOVE this special fellowship time. Landon now thinks that every time we leave church, we're supposed to go to "Donyee's" Wednesday evenings and Sunday mornings leave him gravely disappointed. He got so excited this past Sun. night when we pulled in the parking lot that he squealed, clapped his hands, and cheered, "Yeah Donyee's!!!!" over and over. We should all get that excited about the little things in life.

If you haven't broken bread with us yet, consider this you're formal invitation:
Johnny's Pizza
Sunday after the p.m. service
Be there or be square!
(call your order in from 1st BC parking lot so it will be ready when you arrive)

See you next Sunday Night!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Happy Anniversary Haughton High School

Haughton High School is 100 years old this year! Gary & Landon are set to be third generation HHS Graduates. This is Homecoming week and today is the Homecoming Parade. If you're interested in watching, it starts at 5 at the high school and runs to Hwy 157 then crosses the tracks and goes back to the school. The route runs parallel to the railroad tracks. Randy is driving Gary's football team's float so look for us. As I understand it, there are no "throws" allowed but we'll blow you a kiss or something :)

**update:** It seems that at the last minute, the rulers of the land decided that it was okay if we throw candy from the floats. So, I and a few other mom's hit the stores during our lunch hours for Halloween candy. If you come with a sweet tooth tonight, prepare to be satisfied!

Friday, October 19, 2007


What do you get when you cross Landon in his new John Deere cowboy boots and Landon in an Indian costume? (besides the biggest Cowboy/Indian fight this side of the Rio Grand)

The kids dressed up for the fall carnival at his school today. They were allowed to wear "something you would find on a farm" or "fairy tale character" costumes. The Indian thing was my idea but he wouldn't part with those new boots that daddy bought him yesterday.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Oh My!

I just talked to Randy. He cut Landon's hair! If you've seen Landon's hair, it's long and straight and beautiful. Not short like Gary's that just requires a buzzer! He bragged, "I asked him if he wanted me to cut his hair and he said, 'yea', so I did. It took about an hour. I started him out standing on his stool, then he sat on the stool, then he laid on the floor and played with a toy. It doesn't look too bad! I even got his front straight but I'm not sure how since I did it upside down." Yea, my heart is racing by now. He went on, "When I finished he said, 'Ta-chu (thank you), Daddy.' I think I did better than the barber shop did last time!" If you see him, please overlook his new "do".

50 Dash Rash

This one of those kid translations that are so cute it will probably stick with our family for a long time. Gary joined the running club at school. Every time he tells me about the 50 yard dash, he gets so excited and confused that it comes out, "50 Dash Rash". We both laugh hysterically then go in with the "rash" story.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Team Barker: Mudstock 2007

What happens at Mudstock, stays at Mudstock!

Mr. Dennis helps out a couple of light weights..
Yea, that's me, only, I'm NOT the one that drove us into that mess!

Randy and Landon, kickin' it up.

The Pack

Yea, girls do it too!

Who couldn't love this tar baby?

Trace, Haley, & Gary

made their own swimmin' hole

Ryan riding a water wheelie...this one didn't have a happy ending

Beautiful creek bed before we hit it

Trace, Gary, & Landon

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

This morning, I asked Gary if he and Randy were leaving for Mudstock today or tomorrow. It seems like they change their minds every day. Gary thought a minute and said, "We're leaving today because Daddy shaved yesterday." Considering Randy shaves EVERY day, I was completely confused and my expression told Gary that. He explained, "Daddy shaves his arms the day before we leave because the mud sticks to his hair and it hurts him when I pull it off. I think I'm going to shave my arms too." Hold on there slick!!!! I nixed that fantastic idea but heard him asking Randy later this morning....I think he talked him out of it.

Brotherly Love

This is at a nice little park near our house. Landon is big enough that he's a pretty good playmate for Gary. This particular day, we were at Garrett Felicetty's 6th B-Day party, but Gary was good to include Landon as well.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Love Struck

Gary has several "special" female friends. One in particular takes the cake though. A little bird told me that they would "make eyes" in class regularly last year. He was lucky enough to be in Maddie's class again this year. This week, he declared that he would like his peanut butter sandwiches made on wheat bread and cut out in seasonal shapes (pumpkins for Halloween, etc.) with no crust on them. Hey, if he'll eat something semi-healthy, I'd stand on my head to serve him! I made his sandwiches yesterday and sent them in his lunch box. They were small (apparently Maddie said I didn't get the right cutters) and I threw away more than I sent, but he LOVED THEM! I picked him up from school and he asked for three more wheat bread peanut butter sandwiches and ate them all! I'm thinking about sending a note to Maddie's mom to find out just what else she'll eat! If you run across any sandwich sized cookie cutters, please let me know where you found them. Today, and every Tuesday, he (and Maddie) left the lunchboxes at home. It's popcorn chicken day at Platt. Tomorrow, he'll have witch/pumpkin/bat/owl shaped peanut butter sandwiches again.

How 'bout them Bucs?

If you've noticed the Bucs scores on the right side of my page, you're probably thinking, "I'm missing some great games. Those kids are GOOD this year!" Gary only has a few games left. Call me if you want a schedule. Also, the HHS Homecoming Parade is Oct. 25 at 5 p.m. His team will participate in that as well.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Happy Birthday Ryan!!!!!

Last night, Landon asked TWICE, "I teetee potty?" and did it with success! Of course, there was a lenghthy farewell to every little drip and nugget...."Bye Bye Tee Tee....Bye Bye Poo Poo...." along with a wave and a flush. He is a sweetie like that, you know! We're not pushing big boy underwear just yet, but we can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. Did I mention we were at Randy's brother's 21st birthday party? I can't think of a better present than knowing that your nephew asked to potty for the first time on your birthday, twice! hehehe

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Career Adventures

I should really make this an ongoing list because he never changes his mind, but merely adds to his professions.... As of this morning, Gary's, "going to be a children's book illustrator and in a rock band and a professional football player and own (but not play on) two baseball teams, one called 'The Rednecks' and one called 'Bad to the Bone,' when I grow up!" That should keep him pretty busy! Hopefully he'll remember us little people who gave him his start :-) Any ideas from your kiddos? OR YOU? I want to be an elementary school librarian when I grow up....

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Left without even a penny

Landon had his X-Ray done today for the penny we never did locate in his diaper. The good news is, we missed it upon exit! The doctor didn't see anything in his tummy except his breakfast :) The bad news is, he has come to that age where he associates the doctor's office as a "not fun" place. Today, my mom bore the burden of the screaming child on the exam table. Thanks, Mom, for taking him!

Monday, October 1, 2007

1st Baptist Haughton

The countdown is on! We move into our New Sanctuary this coming Sunday (10/07/07)! Please consider this your formal invitation to visit and worship with us if you're not already a member. If you are already a member, Be there or Be Square!

**Choir Friends** Don't forget practice this Saturday the 6th in the new Sanctuary 3-5 p.m.**