Monday, April 28, 2008

Oh I wish I were an Oscar Mayer Wiener...

Gary drew me this lovely little wienermobile this weekend. Last night, we found it in the fridge. After quizzing him and Randy to find out why/who put it in there, Landon finally threw his hands up and yelled (at us like we were idiots for freaking out) "I did...It's a hot dog!" Duuhhhh, where else should a hot dog be kept?


Donna Kay said...

You silly people!!!!

You're just jealous - because you're having to work on yours harder - you don't want me showing you up!!

Amanda said...

Definitely a keeper! He's a're the idiots that left the hot dog laying about the house!

Beth said...

When all else fails, "ask a little person!". I am finding out lately that they know everything and that they know where everything is!! LOL