Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Greenfield Picnic Day 2009

Greenfield's Annual End of the Year Picnic was today at the park on Brownlee Road. Landon and the rest of the kids had a wonderful time. Below, is Landon's first attempt at jumping off the climbing rocks (reserved for 5 years old and up) You have to click on the picture to really appreciate it. His face tells the whole story!
His class having lunch.

There was a rhino, a horse, and a race car. Landon passed on the first two and waited for a turn on the car. Imagine that!

Running for the next water spout

He became more brave with each jump. This was about #5.

He landed with a thud. Lay motionless. I ran over thinking, "Great, I've let the kid break his back!" (The other moms were trying to keep their kids off the rocks) "Landon, are you okay?"
"Dat one hurt just a wittle," he said in a calm steady voice without looking up or moving a muscle. "Jus wet me way here a minute."

"Okay, I'm ready to do it again!'

Taking a break to warm up with Mrs. Candy.
Back to the grindstone

One last jump before time to leave. If I had to guess, he probably did this 50 times. All that practice jumping off the stage at church finally paid off!


Sandra said...

That looks like such a great place!! I can't wait to take Amelia & Cade! I'll probably never get them to leave it!


Donna Kay said...

That face, OMG that face....he is so dramatic....I love how you talk for him---let me way here just a minute...then he is gone again!!! He is such a boy...I hope Cason is just like him!!!! Please, sister, do something with the Christmas stuff!!!! - although you only have 6 more months and they will be good again!!!!

Anonymous said...

Annie is waiting for Christmas in July!LOL