Thursday, October 9, 2008

Changes abroad

Due to some not so proper comments on my blog lately, I've enabled comment control which essentially means that when you comment, it won't show up automatically. It will email me your comments and I will approve them before they are posted for the world to see. So, please continue commenting, but be patient as I'll approve them as soon as I can. You may still comment as "Anonymous", but note that I will not approve it unless you sign your name at the bottom of your post. Why bother to say something if you won't back it up with your own name?


Amanda said...

NO COMMENT! HA! HA! Had to break the silence...the seriousness was killing me. Who's trying to take the fun out of our blogging?

Anonymous said...

The same kid who takes the ball and runs away with it. Doesn't want to play but doesn't want everyone else to have fun. You know, an oxygen thief. Don't let "nobody" stop your blog, Annie. We enjoy it.