Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Home aint where the heart is

Randy and Landon went to "Father's Night" at Preschool last night. I'm not sure I have the right words to describe the project they made together....


Haley said...

Hopefully, hopefully, Landon was in charge of the hearts last night!

Beth said...

I'd like to think Landon was in charge of the hearts as well, but I KNOW BETTER!! Annie haven't you learned by now, parents night is for PARENTS!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!

Beth said...

OOPS!!!Just read your post again -- I realized it was FATHER'S NIGHT, and you had no choice in the matter, but to send Randy!! HAHAHAHA

Anonymous said...

I guess I'll have to chaperone them to FATHER'S night next year! Randy did add that Landon also tried to put the eyes, ears, nose, and mouth in the same spot. He said by the time they got to the heart, he couldn't argue anymore...
As Mrs. Candy said, "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree!"

Donna Kay said...

Well - he's a typical male already - that's where their universe is!!!!!!!!!

Cathy Felicetty said...

OH MY!!!!!!!!!

The Wilsons said...