Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Schoolhouse Rock

Unfortunately for Gary, his teacher is a very good friend of mine so I usually know everything he's done before he gets home from school each day. This morning, she kept me entertained thanks to Gary's crazy little mind!

Okay, I’ve got to share this! Gary’s group during centers were making these flip charts of words that ended with –ful (meaning they were a word alone before adding the ending—wonderful, helpful, yadda, yadda). Gary brought me his chart and I couldn’t understand what he was writing…it said “rifule”…I said “rightful???” He said, “no, you know, a rifle!” too funny!

Andrea Spinney
Platt Elementary

Gary asked me to tell you he got into the 50 pt. club this morning, so you wouldn’t think he was lying when he told you :-)…that’s hilarious!

Andrea Spinney
Platt Elementary

1 comment:

Beth said...

You can ALWAYS count on your kids to keep life interesting and entertaining!!

Guess it's time to "Annie Up" with some Puma Shoes for that 50 pt. club!! Way to go Gary!!