Friday, December 14, 2007

Whistling Dixie

Growing up, Randy spent a lot of time with his grandparents and learned lots of valuable life lessons like: fixing things around the house, maintaining a yard/flowerbed, painting, tinkering, working hard until the task is finished, eating healthy stuff, driving fast (haha). The list goes on forever but my favorite of all is whistling. PawPaw is a whistler. When he’s working on a “project” (if he’s not yelling at Randy for dropping 2x4’s on his head) PawPaw is usually whistling. It’s a pleasant interlude to the monotonous sound of work and makes the task seem all the less bothersome. Randy picked up this habit, and treats us to a first-rate tune quite often. Gary began trying to whistle at a very young age. He practiced and practiced and has finally perfected his technique. Nowadays a sweet little tune dances through the house and I can’t tell if it’s Randy or Gary; but, I know one of them is hard at work on something really important.


Beth said...

How sweet -- I still can't even whistle!!!

Haley said...

the males in your house whistle when working on something- ALL of the males on the Woollen side stick their tongue out. Boys are weird! :)