Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Home aint where the heart is

Randy and Landon went to "Father's Night" at Preschool last night. I'm not sure I have the right words to describe the project they made together....

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Clear as mud

This morning I told Gary, "Go into the living room. Look in the piano bench and there's a blank cassette tape. Bring it to me."
He brought me a roll of Scotch Tape from Randy's desk. The only part of the directions he got right was, "Go into the living room." Aren't they supposed to be able to follow multi-step directions by now?

Monday, September 8, 2008

Platt Cowboys 12 : "the other guys" 0

This was one of those one in a million times when I actually had the camera ready, focused on the right kid (they all look the same!), and trigger finger on overtime, to catch Gary's big play of the game. They all played really well this weekend. Of course, my focus was mainly on defense :-)
Front center..Gary (navy #86) "You're not getting by me with that ball!"

The battle's on... "Give it up boy, you're going down!"

"And stay down!"

(Behind the line of scrimmage, I might add - Thanks to Todd Holloway for pointing out and explaining this crucial detail to me.)

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Labor Day Football Practice

Stretch it out boy, lets get ready to hustle!

" Mom, look what I found!" (It was a living locust!)

If I had to guess what coach was telling him, it would be something like, "Son, don't ever come to practice again with your socks rolled down!" (That's probably why mom's aren't allowed to coach football...)

Ruuuunnnn Foooorrrresssttt!!!!!


Landon took a "Cat Nap" during intermission

Gary is the one on the ground in the center dying to get under that dog pile!

Paige has captured the attention of both my boys at one time or another....

Good practice, boys.

Tag Team

Landon isn't tall enough to ride Gary's "Green Machine" so Gary gives him a piggy-back if he's real nice...